Tuesday, January 28, 2020
An enquiry into the use of Assessment for Learning
An enquiry into the use of Assessment for Learning Since the Education Reform Act (1988), introduced national testing to monitor school standards of education assessment has continued to play a major part in the educational delivery in schools. Assessment encompasses all aspects of teaching that measure the level of teaching through students understanding and achievement. Assessment is not just end of year examinations but an on-going process that should be present in teaching at all times in order for lessons to be effective. Through several studies (Assessment Reform Group (ARG), 2002; Black et al, 2003; Clark, 2005) it has become evident that through careful planning of assessment it is possible to promote students learning and motivation, by using a more formative approach as opposed to high stakes testing of summative assessment. It is often noted that teachers ask questions to check students understanding of the lesson but take a simple acknowledgement as a valid indication that learning has occurred. Students are often not confident or willing to identify themselves as not understanding. It is therefore important for teachers to carefully plan strategies for assessment both formative and summative to identify what students have learnt to plan for future lessons (Capel, Leask Turner, 2009). It is important to consider different formative assessment methods and their suitability to the learning objectives or particular learning styles of students. Kyriacou (1998) suggested that supporting learning activities with assessment should be of a more subtle approach. This enquiry will focus on various methods of AfL that can be employed by a teacher in order to raise students attainment, motivation towards learning and engagement throughout lessons. AfL plays a key role in teaching and pupils learning, providing continual feedback to students on their level of attainment, where they are succeeding and where they need to improve, giving them information on how to progress further. Through AfL, we as teachers provide continual advice and feedback in the forms of positive reinforcement to constructive dialogue through questioning, to enable students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject promoting cognitive development. This study will focus on the use of AfL within the chosen unit of work as the Office for Standards and education (Ofsted) (2005, 2008a) identified, AfL as the weakest part of teaching and learning, in particular a weak area for student physical education teachers (Ofsted, 2003). It is of key Importance as a student teac her to understand the application of AfL, as several studies have identified that the use of assessment is key in developing future learning opportunities having an impact not just on their attainment but also their attitude to learning, their engagement with the school subjects and their motivation to do well (Black and William, 2001; Black et al., 2003). This enquiry will focus on the delivery of a year 7 boys dance scheme of work delivered over six lessons. When planning the unit of work several factors including knowledge of the learners ability, my knowledge of the subject, curriculum knowledge and pedagogical knowledge were all identified as aspects of a teachers personal subject construct. It is important as a teacher to not allow your personal constructs and views of a subject to exclude pupils with different views, (Banks et al., 1999 cited in Capel, Leask Turner 2009). A framework was provided by the school indicating the learning objectives for each lesson and progression over the unit of work. Through discussion with members of staff with previous experience of delivering the unit of work it helped to increase my subject knowledge and ideas for possible learning activities to incorporate into my lessons. The study school had a well-structured pupil assessment strategy modelled from the national curriculum level descriptors (appendix 1), which was key in designing learning objectives and provided a clear indication of what the students should be working towards. With this information and a brief overview of the classes ability it was possible to start designing the learning objectives for the unit of work. It was important to ensure that my learning objectives were varied across the key processes of physical education to ensure students could demonstrate and develop a variety of skills not merely there physical ability as Ofsted (2002 cited in Cap el) raised concern over the weakness in pupils skills of observation and evaluation due to limited opportunity to develop these skills.. The study school had a big focus on incorporating learning objectives into normal lessons based on Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) to develop these skills as well as a focus on PLTS in year 7. They clearly understand the importance of raising students abilities as team workers, independent enquirers, reflective learners, independent enquirers, creative thinkers, self-managers and effective participants in order for students to access the curriculum and progress with greater success as laid out by the PLTS National Curriculum Framework (QCDA 2011). When planning to integrate AfL into lessons it is key to acknowledge the ten research based principles of AfL identified by the ARG (2002) into classroom based practice (Appendix 2). As suggested by Black et al (2003) the implementation of specific assessment strategies can increase students learning, increase motivation and enthusiasm towards a subject. Spackman (2002 cited in Capel and Whitehead 2010) identified four characteristics of AfL in relation to physical education as shared learning objectives, questioning, feedback and pupil peer and self-assessment. The sequence of lessons were planned to incorporate an aspect of all four assessment strategies to ensure all students were provided with an opportunity to gain a further understanding of their learning and to provide a wider spectrum of tools to identify students level of ability. Each lesson was structured in three phases, the initial being the identification of a new skill or recall of previously learnt skills providing o pportunity for sharing learning objectives and questioning, the second phase would be a performance where students would practice ad rehearse the newly learnt skill under the teachers guidance which provided opportunity for feedback, questioning and self/ peer assessment and finally the third phase of appreciation where students would focus on peer assessment providing feedback to each other. The lessons focused on the key processes identified in the Key stage 3 National Curriculum for Physical Education. Throughout the delivery of lessons it was not always possible to follow the unit of work as students had not always made sufficient progress to move onto the next learning phase. Therefore lessons were modified based on the previous learning that had occurred to continue the progression smoothly and to ensure learning objectives were not too demanding for the learners. The importance of AfL in forming objectives for learning was emphasised in a report by Ofsted where the chief inspector wrote: Accurate assessment is used to identify focused objectives for learning and is a basis for choosing suitably challenging tasks and resources (Ofsted, 2007). Through the delivery and observation of the first lesson it was clearly identified that effective questioning was used to recap on learning from previous lessons, to ensure student understanding of learning tasks, and to assess students understanding and accomplishment of learning objectives. It is important to question a variety of students not always the ones with hands up as several studies have suggested adopting a no hands up policy in which all students are then required to formulate an answer as to the teacher will pick randomly and to ensure students understand that the an incorrect answer is part of learning and they should not be afraid to ask questions themselves to gain clarity. This also provided opportunity for students to discuss with their peers to formulate a possible answer which is beneficial for learning to occur (DfES, 2007). Other research identified that questions needed to be related back to the learning objectives, and to use more open ended questions as sugg ested by Clarke (2005). Although there was opportunity for peer assessment in the appreciation phase of the lesson this needed to be refined with the use of assessment criteria as identified by Latham (1992 cited in Mawer 1999, pp 242) who noted that in order for peer assessment to work pupils need help in focusing on the specific areas of a skill or process to be assessed. This was later supported by Loose Abrahams (1993 cited in Mawer 1999, pp 242) who identified that pupils need clear instruction on what to focus on when assessing as shown in the example assessment sheet, (Appendix 3). Over the course of the following lessons the use of questioning significantly improved combining the use of open ended and directed questioning to recall prior learnt information and assess the students level of understanding as suggested by Clarke (2005). Learning Objectives were shared with students and discussed at the beginning of the lesson, however the use of questioning could be improved to re-iterate the learning objectives throughout the lesson. Several strategies were used to promote self/peer assessment. One involved students completing a self-assessment sheet (Appendix 4) to identify what they had learnt in prior lessons and also to evaluate what they learnt by the end of the lesson, using a traffic light system for each question as an alternative questioning method to allow greater classroom involvement (Clarke, 2005). Although the content of this assessment has the potential to be a valuable tool it needed to be pitched at a more suitable level to work. Due to the stude nts lack of understanding as to why they were doing it, their ability level and learning style the teaching strategy did not match the leaners personality or information processing level as suggested by Harvey, Hunt and Schroders (1961 cited in Mawer 1999, pp 143) Conceptual systems theory. Based on this research it was noted that maybe due to their low conceptual complexity in terms of information processing they required a simplified system supported by a more structured approach from the teacher as they had not yet developed the capability to generate ideas in a low structured environment (Joyce and Weil, 1986 cited in Mawer 1999, pp 144). This is supported by further research that identified that formative assessment can only work if students are trained in the skills of self-assessment and questioning so they understand why they are doing it and what they need to do to achieve (Black William 2001). As the National Curriculum key stage 3 (assessment pack) states it is at KS3 wh ere students start to take initiative and make decisions for themselves and PLTS are introduced, therefore a careful balance between more structured direct and non-direct teaching styles is needed until these skills are embedded. The use of the traffic light system also provide the teacher with the opportunity to level the class and split the students into groups of differing ability and work on differentiated tasks (Appendix 5). Students were provided with opportunity to assess and provide feedback with the use of video cameras to record and analyse their performance. It was important to provide instruction on what the students should be looking for with reference to the learning objectives when peer assessing as suggested by Loose Abrahams (1993 cited in Mawer 1999, pp. ). The study later identified through observations that when lesson objectives were shared with the class it was important to consider students learning styles, when providing information and guidance on what they might be looking to observe and demonstrate in order for students to achieve the desired learning outcomes. The teacher adopted the Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic (VAK) construct (Dryden Vos, 2001 cited in Capel, Leask and Turner, 2009 , pp.262), to implement when planning and delivering (Appendix 5). Throughout lessons various stimuli were used including visual aids by displaying learning objectives, posters and using video footage (Appendix 5). The teacher incorporated practical demonstrations to explain what they were looking for as opposed to the earlier descriptively heavy verbal instructions, providing students with more time to actually rehearse and practise the new skills and more time working collaboratively in groups. Through observation it was evident that the use of video footage and practical demonstration had a large impact on the students understanding when used to identify learning goals (appendix 5). As research suggests it is of particular help when learning outcomes are shared in a format that the pupils can understand (ARG, 2002; Black et al; 2003; Clarke, 2005). The use of video recording and ICT was also used to provide students with the chance to watch their own performances allowing opportunity for peer self-assessment. It is important for students to be able to assess themselves and others in order to have a clear picture of how to move forward and achieve (Black Williams 2001). For effective learning to take place teachers must carefully plan structured opportunities for students to develop the skills needed to comprehend a task, analyse feedback, self-assess their performance and be creative in solving problems through the use of AfL. As often as possible learning opportunities should be delivered with consideration of the students learning style for the greatest level of understanding to occur. The implementation of visual aids especially the use of ICT had a big impact on the students comprehension of tasks and motivation towards learning new skills, developing their ability to analyse a performance and provide structured feedback to their peers. It is clear that Spackmans (2002) four characteristics of AfL provide a basis for planning and implementing AfL strategies but further planning needs to go into how each characteristic is delivered within a lesson to cater for various academic abilities and learning styles. By including an aspect of all the char ateristics in a lesson you are able to motivate, enthuse and help drive students forward. The key to successful teaching comes from the use of AfL on a daily basis to ensure students know what they are trying to learn by sharing learning objectives, helping students recognise success by sharing learning outcomes, providing a success criteria and identify the reasoning as to why they are learning it (DfES, 2007). It is also important to consider that this must be communicated in a way that is understood by the student (ARG, 2002; Black et al; 2003; Clarke,2005). In future planning the use of questioning needs to be carefully evaluated and planned to provide opportunity for higher order thinking in line with Blooms Taxonomy. Learning Objectives, outcomes and feedback all need to be provided in a language and format that the learners can access, whether it be verbal through use of pictures or video analysis. It is of utmost importance to ensure students are developing the learning and thinking skills in lessons to allow them to access their education alongside the academic objectives of lessons. Word Count: 2448 Reference List Assessment Reform Group (ARG) (2002) Testing, motivation and learning [online] Cambridge: University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. Available from: http://www.assessment-reform-group.org/TML%20BOOKLET%20complete.pdf [Accessed 5th January 2011] Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B. and Wiliam, D (2003) Assessment for Learning: Putting it into Practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press. Black, P., and Wiliam, D. (2001). Inside the Black Box, [online] London: Kings College. Available from: http://weaeducation.typepad.co.uk/files/blackbox-1.pdf Clarke, S., (2005) Formative Assessment in Action: Weaving the Elements Together. Lon don: Hodder and Stoughton. Department for Education Skills (DfES) (2007) Assessment for Learning 8 Schools Project Report. [online] London: DfES Available from: http://c97.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c97/accounts/english/homepage/Assessment/documents/AfL/8%20schools.pdf Ofsted (2003) Quality and Standards in Secondary Initial Teacher Training (HMI 546) [online] London: GreenShires Print Group. Available from: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications-and-research/Browse-all-by/Education/Teachers-and-teacher-training/Routes-into-teaching/Quality-and-standards-in-secondary-initial-teacher-training [Accessed February 2011] Ofsted (2005) The Secondary National Strategy: An Evaluation of the Fifth Year (HMI 2612) [online] Available from: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications-and-research/Browse-all-by/Education/Providers/Secondary-schools/The-Secondary-National-Strategy [Accessed February 2011] Ofsted (2008) Evaluation of the Primary and Secondary National Strategies 2005-2007 (HMI 070033) [online] Available from: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications-and-research/Browse-all-by/Documents-by-type/Thematic-reports/Evaluation-of-the-Primary-and-Secondary-National-Strategies Ofsted (2007) The Annual Report of Her Majestys Chief Inspector of Education, Childrens Services and Skills 2006/07, (HMI 20070035) [online] Available from: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications-and-research/Browse-all-by/Annual-Report/2006-07/The-Annual-Report-of-Her-Majesty-s-Chief-Inspector-2006-07 [Accessed February 2011] http://curriculum.qcda.gov.uk/key-stages-3-and-4/skills/personal-learning-and-thinking-skills/index.aspx).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Evolution of Dance :: essays research papers
Dancing and music in general have evolved through time. People who danced in style in the sixties would not fit n the generation of the new millennium. As years have passed by, it seems the style of dancing is getting to be dirtier than ever. Parents do not approve of this lifestyle and this way of dance. It is inevitable that dance will change throughout our lives and so will its style. Dancing has changed in relation to music, behavior and time passed. Music is the biggest part of dance. The way the beat and bass hit are or even the lyrical content of the music today encourages the style of dance. Rap starts tend to graphically describe women, sex and money. And because of this, youngsters have accepted this state of mind into their style of dancing. Even the girls in the rap videos suggest there is nothing wrong with their provocative ways and even promote this way of dance. Being the trendy generation that we are, we follow and imitate their way of dance. Additionally, the behavior that is accepted by society plays a big role in our way of dance. Society is so open with public sexuality that we have accepted that into our normal daily pattern. TV shows are showing more and more graphic programs and as years pass by, it is predictable that they will worsen. So how do we stop it? Some try, while others adapt this way of living into their dance moves and styles. Society is corrupting the minds of teenagers and like a sponge, we are absorbing it all. Finally, as decades have passed from the 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, more and more things are being considered okay by the public. These provocative dancing styles have evolved and moved into the styles we use to dance at clubs and even at school. It should not be considered okay when a woman is being sandwiched between two males and they are being able to grab everything they can get a hold of, or vise-versa.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Macbeth Analysis Scene Essay
?Macbeth Analyse- 2. a How does Shakespeare make the extract below from Act 2 Scene 2 dramatic and interesting? ââ¬Å"Quenched them, hath given me fire. â⬠Shakespeareââ¬â¢s using opposites and oxymoronic use of language (paradox) therefore making a contrast of Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s phrase. He has also showed a comparison of guilt between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because Lady Macbeth obviously shows that she is not guilty for what she has done but Macbeth does. Again, Shakespeare uses oxymoronic use of language for when Lady Macbeth is speaking; ââ¬Å"live, or die,â⬠and he also makes the last words dramatic, adding tension and seriousness towards what Lady Macbeth is saying. Another way to make the scene interesting and dramatic is adding conflict. Shakespeare does this when Lady Macbeth is saying how she canââ¬â¢t kill Duncan: ââ¬Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had doneââ¬â¢t. â⬠Lady Macbeth is in conflict with herself because she wants to kill Duncan herself but she canââ¬â¢t because he looks too much like her father, meaning that she has a sentimental heart. Shakespeare uses changes in language in this extract because with the arrival of Macbeth and him holding the bloody daggers, the syntax breaks down suggesting confusion and panic. The theme of Macbeth is death, betrayal and things of that sort. The line ââ¬Å"live, or die,â⬠(what Lady Macbeth says) supports the fact that death is a theme of the story and this scene. Also when Lady Macbeth says: ââ¬Å"that which hath made them drunk,â⬠She orally reminds us of her association with the witches in the heath by using the homonym ââ¬Å"whichâ⬠. When Lady Macbeth says: ââ¬Å"The fatal bellman which gives the sternââ¬â¢st good-night,â⬠Shakespeare is trying to make us realise that when you are asleep you appear to be dead ââ¬â you look dead ââ¬â but Duncan will never wake up, because he is actually dead. Shakespeare uses objective correlative use of language when he writes, ââ¬Å"it was the owl that shrieked,â⬠because owls are nocturnal animals and are associated with darkness and full moons and things of that sort. And all these things suggest evil and mysteriousness. Action is also a way Shakespeare makes the scene seem interesting and dramatic. An example is: ââ¬Å"I have done the deed. â⬠Macbeth is telling Lady Macbeth that he has killed Duncan and Shakespeare has made his phrase mono-syllabic, making every word have an impact on what Macbeth has done. To make the scene more interesting and dramatic Shakespeare has showed Macbeth and Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s relationship in different ways. For example, ââ¬Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had doneââ¬â¢t,â⬠this shows that Lady Macbeth has a soft side and that she didnââ¬â¢t have the courage to kill Duncan because he resembled her father. So this is linking with her relationship with Duncan and Macbeth because she wanted to kill Duncan but she couldnââ¬â¢t because of the resemblance and it shows she is not as powerful in her relationship with Macbeth. ââ¬Å"Hark! I laid their daggers ready; he could not miss ââ¬Ëem,â⬠also shows she carefully planned the plot showing she is in control of her relationship with Macbeth. And she also manipulated and controlled Macbeth into killing Duncan because she physically wasnââ¬â¢t able to; showing her power over Macbeth and their relationship. Also keep in mind that she doesnââ¬â¢t even have Macbethââ¬â¢s best interests at heart. Shakespeare is uses pretence, ââ¬Å"I am afraid they have awakedâ⬠¦ My husband? â⬠meaning Lady Macbeth knows inside that she is scared but she always gives off the impression that she is evil so maybe she is not as powerful as she thinks she is concerning her relationship with Macbeth. She also shows she wants comfort from Macbeth which shows the closeness of their relationship and her vulnerability. ââ¬Å"I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did you not speak,â⬠this is an example of how Shakespeare uses questions to make the scene more interesting because Lady Macbeth sounds panicked and she uses alliteration to add more drama to what sheââ¬â¢s saying.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Love and Relationships Versus Independence Zora Neale...
Most believe finding love is more valuable than their own independence. In most cases that could be true, but if the one you are seeking and expecting love from is not treating you with respect, how is love more important? The journey of finding love could be a great one but if deep down inside you are aware of your unhappiness, then YOUR independence should be what matters. Zora Neale Hurstonââ¬â¢s message with the theme of Love Relationships vs. Independence is to never rush into finding love until you are ready. Your independence may bring you happiness that you may not be able to have while in a relationship. Janie never wanted to be married she wanted her independence, but her grandmother thought otherwise.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Logan Killicks thought he did Janie and her grandmother a favor by marrying Janie, but soon he realized Janie did not care or appreciate his ââ¬Å"savingâ⬠. When Logan noticed that Janie did not appreciate his doings he told her, ââ¬Å"Ah thought you would ââ¬Ëpreciate good treatment. Thought Ahââ¬â¢d take and make somethinââ¬â¢ outa yuh. You think youse white folks by de way you act.â⬠(Hurston, pg.30) With that statement Janie knew this is not who she wanted to be with and this is not how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. Janie packed her clothes and ran off with a man she met one day while working in the fields. Janie thought running of with Joe starks, a man who filled her head with dream and hopes of a wonderful life, would be beneficial for her. In the beginning she was happy and in love with Joe, but as time grew on their relationship began to change. Janie began to notice that Joe was more focused on being mayor than being her husband. She never spoke about it because she hoped things would go back to how they were before, when she and Joe first got married. Joe remained focused on being Mayor Starks, and started to change Janieââ¬â¢s appearance by buying her more expensive dresses. But one changed that caused an argument between Janie and Joe was Joe demanding Janie to tie up her hair. Joe made this demand because heShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Relationships in Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay2186 Words à |à 9 PagesZora Neale Hurstonââ¬â¢s Their Eyes Were Watching God tells the story of Janieââ¬â¢s journey towards spiritual enlightenment and her development of indivi duality, largely through Janieââ¬â¢s relationships with others. Hurston uses the themes of power, control, abuse, and respect, in Janieââ¬â¢s relationships with Nanny, Killicks, Starks, and Tea Cake, to effectively illustrate how relationships impact identity and self-growth. à It is Janieââ¬â¢s relationship with Nanny that first suppresses her self-growthRead MoreZora Neale Hurston2149 Words à |à 9 Pagesinà Their Eyes Were Watching God. The animal with the greatest symbolic charge in this novel is the mule. Mentioned frequently throughout ââ¬Å"Their Eyes Were Watching Godâ⬠, the mule obviously represents the carrier of heavy loads and burdens, but it can also, and does, represent stubborn resistance. The mule serves to illustrate the strained relationship between Janie and Joe Starks. The figure of the mule can also refer not only to Janie herself but to any black woman struggling for independence. JanieRead MoreHistory5499 Words à |à 22 PagesNegro Renaissance,ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ a term that includes all African Americans, regardless of their location, who participated in this cultural revolution. Followers of the New Negro dicta, which emphasized blacksââ¬â¢ inclusion in and empowerment by American society, were undeniably spread throughout the nation, and most major cities had pockets of the African-American elite that W. E. B. Du Bois dubbed the ââ¬Ëââ¬ËTalented Tenth.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ Nevertheless, New York City was, arguably, the most crucial site of this movementââ¬â¢s development
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